
College Committee

Committees of the College

Session: 2023-24

Name of the Committee/Cell Name of the Co-ordinator
Internal Quality Assurance Cell Mr. Biswajit Kalita, Assistant Professor, Deptartment of English
Academic Cell Dr. Ali Akbar Hussain, HoD & Associate Professor, Department of English
RUSA Mr. Biswajit Kalita, Assistant Professor, Department of English
UGC-Nodal Officer Mr. Rahul Kuli, Assistant Professor, Department of Assamese
Public Information Officer(RTI) Mr. Biswajit Kalita, Assistant Professor, Department of English
Asstt. Public Information Officer Dr. Arup Kumar Deka, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Research Cell Dr. Ramen Medhi, HoD & Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Extension Cell Mr. Biswajit Kalita, Assistant Professor, Deptartment of English
Mentoring Committee Dr. Jayanta Kumar Das, HoD & Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Gender Sensitization Committee Ms. Bharati Medhi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography
Grievance Redressal Cell Mr. Munindra Das, HoD, Dept. of Linguistics
Discipline &Anti-ragging Committee Mr. Munindra Das, HoD, Dept. of Linguistics
Counselling Committee Dr. Binita Devi, Asstt. Professor, Dept. of Education
Cleanliness & Beautification Committee Dr.Binita Das, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education
Feedback Committee Dr.RipimaBuzarbaruah, HoD, Dept. of Pol. Science
Seminar Committee Mr. Biswajit Kalita, Asstt. Professor, Dept. of English
Information and Career Guidance Cell Ms. Jyotismita Doley, Asstt. Professor, Dept. of Physics
N.S.S. Advisory Committee Ms. Trikha Rani Das, Asstt. Professor, Dept. of History Dr.Rahul Kuli, Asstt. Prof. Dept. of Assamese
Students’ Welfare Committee Dr. Amulya Kalita Assistant Prof., Dept. of History
Allumni Committee Dr. Ranju Thakuria, HoD, Dept. of Assamese
Women’s Studies Cell Dr.RUpanjoli Hazarika, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of English
School & Village Adoption Committee Dr.Ripima Buzarbaruah, HoD, Dept. of Pol. Science
ICT in Education Cell Mr. Biswajit Kalita, Asstt. Professor, Dept. of English
Canteen Committee Dr. Monmi Kakati, HoD, Dept. of Folklore
Prospectus Preparation Committee Mr. Jayanta Kumar Das, HoD, Dept. of Geography
Admission Committee Dr. ALi AKbar Hussain (Vice-Principal), Associate Prof., Dept. of English
Routine Preparation Committee Dr. Ali Akbar Hussain (Vice-Principal), Associate Prof., Dept. of English
Library Advisory Committee Mr. Hirendra Nath Bhattacharyya, Librarian