Best Practices 2019-20
Best Practices 2020-21
Best Practices 2023-24
Best Practices 2019-20
Best Practice 1: ICT in Teaching-Learning-Management
Goal: Capacity building through strengthening the system management.
Underlying Principles: The underlying principles of use of ICT as best practice are:
Principle 1: Use ICT to enhance student knowledge and skills.
Principle 2: Integrate monitoring and evaluation of students’ performance.
Principle 3: Focus on teacher development and training.
Principle 4: Explore technology alternatives to find appropriate solutions to college management.
Principle 5: Explore and coordinate involvement of many different stakeholders.
Best Practice 2:Eco- Friendly Green Campus
Goal: Imparting environment-friendly education through Green campus.
Underlying Principles: The underlying principles to make the college campus green or eco -friendly are:
Principle 1: Organisation of environment awareness programme in the college as well as in the nearby
primary and secondary schools to maintain the environment green and clean.
Principle 2: Plantation of perennial, seasonal as well as medicinal plants in the college campus.
Principle 3: Focus on making the college campus a tobacco and plastic free zone and proper disposal
of laboratory wastes.
Principle 4: Use of bio-fertilizers (vermin com post etc.) in the college campus.
Principle 5: Digital library and e-learning centre.
Principle 6: Use more of LED bulbs.
Best Practices 2020-21
Best Practice-1: ICT in Teaching-Learning Management
Use of ICT to enhance teaching-learning system.
Evaluation of students’ performance.
Focus on ICT-based faculty development programme.
The Practices:
Digitised Administrative Office in accounting and record keeping.
The Library is running on SOUL 2.0
Bulk messaging system.
Online enrolment/registration/ examination form fill-up.
Publication of information through the college website.
Classes in the Smart Classroom.
Best Practice 2: Eco- Friendly Green Campus
To inculcate the practices for promoting clean and green campus.
Creating awareness for maintaining a sustainable environment.
The Practices:
The College is trying to create awareness on the evil effects of tobacco and plastic among the college fraternity as
well as surrounding community.
Arrangement of proper segregation and disposal of wastes.
Seminars, workshops etc. relating to eco-friendly campus have been organized.
Regular cleaning of the campus involving students.
Best Practices 2023-24